During the Wroclaw meeting, all international attendees took part in five activities. For some of these, other WUST employees and students joined us during the chosen ones.

The programme started on Tuesday with a round table. Teaching electrical machines and control of electrical drives where we discussed the schedule of subjects related to our main topic, and visited laboratories associated with the teaching of electrical machines. Following that, we enjoyed lunch and returned for an exciting workshop on How students perceive teaching Quality teaching in eyes of student.

Wednesday’s activities commenced with Inverted Classroom in Power Electronics followed by a lecture on Modern Teaching Methodologies and finished the day with discussion on Academic tutoring in higher education.

It was a great time focused on sharing knowledge and experience on quality teaching at the university level. Many questions were answered, but much more appeared. Hoping it will lead to better didactics at partnering institutions. We are planning on how to utilise all these new experiences.


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