Modern Teaching Methodologies – output

Modern Teaching Methodologies The second activity on Tuesday was a lecture by Dr Piotr Derugo, who, in addition to teaching electronics-related subjects, is also part of the WUST Center For Teaching and Learning. During this meeting, we explored various teaching styles and sought to address the perennial question: how can we make learning both engaging and effective for students? Beginning with the history of education…

How students perceive teaching Quality teaching in eyes of student – output

How students perceive teaching Quality teaching in eyes of student Undoubtedly, the most dynamic and surprising workshop during the Wrocław meeting began with a brief introduction before we swiftly transitioned to a remote quiz. Following that, we engaged in the living library, where we had the opportunity to converse with students and gain their perspective on what quality teaching at universities is and ought to…

Wrocław – summary

          During the Wroclaw meeting, all international attendees took part in five activities. For some of these, other WUST employees and students joined us during the chosen ones. The programme started on Tuesday with a round table. Teaching electrical machines and control of electrical drives where we discussed the schedule of subjects related to our main topic, and visited laboratories associated…

Wrocław meeting plan

Dear attendees, below you can find the plan of our meeting. Please keep in mind short (especially time) changes may occur. TUESDAY 21.01.2025 8-12 “Teaching electrical machines and control of electrical drives”. A-10 Building room 302 and laboratories. 12-13 Lunch 13-15 “How students perceive teaching? Quality teaching in eyes of student”. A-10 Building room 302 WEDNESDAY 22.01.2025 8-11 “Inverted Classroom in Power Electronics” A-10 Building…